Po teletubby
Po teletubby

po teletubby po teletubby

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po teletubby

In Watertown, N.Y., last month, one doll was removed from the store after Brenda Sipher of Rodman, N.Y., complained that the recording contained an offensive slur. ``It is very difficult to discern what that one was saying.″ ``We were just trying to head off any potential problems,″ said Dean May, president of the store chain with four stores. Potruck.Īmid concerns that shoppers could be offended, Dallas-based Arlington Toy Enterprises pulled the Po dolls off its shelves and sent them back to Hasbro. Obviously, if anyone has any problem with the dolls we’ll take them back,″ said Ms. ``But, I think a lot of people are buying the dolls because they’re cute and they’re not familiar with the series.″ ``Each Teletubby has its own gibberish,″ said Eileen Potruck, a spokeswoman for itsy bitsy.

po teletubby

But toymaker Hasbro, which manufacturers the stuffed doll, started earlier this month inserting language cards in each doll’s box to familiarize people with the Teletubby language.

Po teletubby